Berlin, WelcomeCard, Potsdam, City Pass, Welcome Card, Berlin Welcome Card

Potsdam & Berlin WelcomeCard: Discover Potsdam & save

Here you will find information about the Berlin WelcomeCard / Potsdam Welcome Card, which is also a Potsdam WelcomeCard. With this you can use all public transport in Potsdam and Berlin around the clock and receive numerous attractions discounts and benefits.

Berlin WelcomeCard | also for the Potsdam visit

BestsellerGetYourGuide-ZertifiziertIn addition to unlimited travel on public transport such as the tram, bus or S-Bahn, the ticket has other attractive advantages. With the Berlin Welcome Card you get discounts at museums, theaters and almost 200 other attractions. You will also receive discounts at selected restaurants, wellness facilities and various city tours. Please note that you will definitely need the Berlin WelcomeCard ABC to visit Potsdam. With C you can use all public transport in Potsdam.

Discounts with the Berlin WelcomeCard in Potsdam | the Welcome Card for Potsdam

The following discounts on Potsdam sights are included among others*.

*Changes possible

If you combine a visit to Potsdam with Berlin at the same time, it’s doubly worthwhile. The Berlin WelcomeCard is Berlin’s official tourist ticket, making it the right choice for your trip to the capital and the surrounding area.

Variants and prices of the Berlin WelcomeCard

The prices of the Berlin Welcome Card depend on the desired period of use. You choose between 48 hours and several days and can then use the card for the period.

validity / duration Berlin urban area AB Berlin + Potsdam ABC 
48h 23,00 € 28,00 €
72h 33,00 € 38,00 €
72h + Museum Island 55,00 € 59,00 €
4 Tage 40,00 € 45,00 €
5 Tage 46,00 € 49,00 €
6 Tage 49,00 € 52,00 €

Buy the Berlin WelcomeCard
