Krongut Bornstedt, Krongut, Bornstedt, Potsdam

Krongut Bornstedt in Potsdam

Here you can get information about Krongut Bornstedt in Potsdam, one of the important attractions of the city of Potsdam. Here, you will not only learn about the historically rich past of Krongut but also everything about the current events that bring life to this charming estate.

Krongut Bornstedt: ‘Italian Village’ in Potsdam

The picturesque ‘Italian Village,’ affectionately named by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, is located in the north of Potsdam, not far from the Sanssouci Park. This enchanting place, once the country estate of the Prussian nobility, is now a unique example of Italian architecture that characterizes Krongut.

After extensive restoration in 2002, Krongut shines again in its old glory. Visitors can admire the Hof-Brauhaus and experience firsthand the brewing and distilling tradition dating back to 1689. The freshly brewed beer named ‘Bornstedter Büffel,’ accompanied by traditional Märkisch dishes, promises a culinary delight. The Royal Court Bakery, Café Victoria, and the Weinscheune Habel also invite you to linger and enjoy.

Strengthened and refreshed, visitors can rediscover old craftsmanship in the Brandenburg Manufaktur. Here, you have the unique opportunity to watch craftsmen of various disciplines fascinatingly at work.

The ‘Italian Village’ and the charming Krongut are places that bring the past to life and enchant visitors with their picturesque beauty and historical significance. A visit is a journey into the history of Brandenburg and an unforgettable experience for the senses.

Events at Krongut Bornstedt

Throughout the year, events take place at Krongut, the following are just a small overview:

  • Drill and recruitment exercises of the ‘Lange Kerls’
  • Easter Festival
  • Spring Festival
  • Maypole Festival
  • International Pottery Market
  • UNESCO World Heritage Day
  • Courtyard Festival for the Potsdam Castle Night
  • Open-air concerts
  • Harvest Festival at Krongut
  • Festive opening of the Christmas Market

Further Literature

Italien, Potsdam, Literatur

Contact Person and Address

Krongut Bornstedt Parkgesellschaft mbH
Ribbeckstraße 6–7 · 14469 Potsdam
Tel. +49 (0)331 550 65 0 Fax +49 (0)331 550 65 15

Images from Krongut Bornstedt
